The Liminal Odyssey
The Alchemical Power of The Spaces In-Between
Sande is a mother, grandmother, wife, aunt, and sister from the steep seaside cliffs in Southern California. She is an award-winning leader in the fields of women’s reempowerment and interfaith community building. She founded the The Global Woman's Village (Formally S.A.R.A.H.) the morning of 911, an instinct to gather women to protect all that they consider sacred, now in its 22nd year. Sande is actively engaged in leadership in the peace, interfaith, compassion, community building, and women’s empowerment sectors.
Sande is a certified Compassion Integrity trainer. and coach, and founded and served as Director for the international organization The Charter For Compassion’s Women and Girls sector, and served as Chair for the United Religions Initiative for North America and is also the Founder of Compassionate California, which recently became established into law by the governor’s office as the first Compassionate State in the world.
Sande served on the Women's Task Force for The Parliament of The World's Religions, developing and producing the first-ever Women's Village at the 2023 conference.
Sande has conducted countless workshops and produced major and smaller events in more than seven countries, presented on panels in universities, global and local organizations, and city and state-level institutions. Sande is currently being inducted into the Women’s Oral History Archives for Claremont Colleges in California.
Sande will barter for chocolate.
Select Global Presentations and Workshops
"Compassion 101"
Parliament of the World's Religions, Toronto
Addressing 600 High School Students on the power of Compassion and understanding the Charter For Compassion
Fuji Declaration Symposium
“Co-creating a World in Harmony and Balance”
United Nations University, Tokyo
The Alchemy of Women's Collective Wisdom and Power Workshop
200 Women in Circle, Toronto, Canada
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women New York, NY​
Compassionate Community Building with International The Charter For Compassion
Dialogo Multi-cultural Conference
Guadalajara, Mexico
Alchemy of Our Collective Wisdom and Power​
Compassion Literacy/Compassion101
Cities of Compassion/ The Grace-Full Power of Compassionate Community Building​.
Youth Empowerment
This workshop is ideal for Girls, Youth, Community Organizers, and anyone wanting to maximize their community service goals. Considered the most essential focus of today's world, impressing upon your next current generation their role in their community, how to identify their calling, how to see their neighbor as an ally, and how absolutely amazing they are is essential in our world today. Sande's book, Make A Difference 101, Community Service; A Practical Step-by-Step Guide for Kids launched an entire speaking and dynamic workshop program. Just given the simple tools, stories, and universal systems of looking at themselves and the world around them through the lens of compassion, youth ages 9-99 walk out of these workshops taller, inspired by their own creativity, and ready to go out and make the world a better place.​
SDG 18, The Unofficial Sustainable Development Goal​
On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years. I have added an "Unofficial 18th Goal to remind us that the solution requires each of us to recognize the role we play in accomplishing all 17. It is critical that businesses and corporations, community groups, stakeholders of any community, and every single one of us accept our responsibility and engage in being a part of the solution of these Goals. In this workshop, we get creative and collaborative, developing a strategy and campaign that your organization or company can adopt as a social responsibility cause.
The Role of Women in Peacemaking​
Women play a significant and critical role in peacemaking and it's time we remember that. Women also have unique and distinct biological innate imperatives to heal our world, protect our children, and preserve our traditions for future generations. This "Women's Movement" which Harvard University's Pluralism Project has explored as a 4th wave of feminism, is powerful beyond measure and graceful in its dynamic. However, it's also not just for women anymore. This movement is calling for a balance between men and women.
We explore what prevents us from leaning into our power and how to express and amplify our truth and our voice.
As founder of the Women's Interfaith organization SARAH, Sande also consults and leads workshops on building circle organizations.
More workshops at